An abstract art game for CDM 175

Based on personal experience, I wanted to represent what it's like to be both an introvert and an extrovert. 

The introvert is represented by an initial blue square that has to put on its social mask that portrays its social energy. Over time, it wears out to reveal that deep down it just wants to be a blue square. This mechanic makes the player want to avoid other circles and inevitably focus only on reaching the end of the day. 

The extrovert is represented by an initial green circle that changes color and speeds up with each interaction. This is to portray the concept that extroverts feel that they receive energy from others and values new perspectives from each interaction. As a result, the more interactions then the more fulfilled the extrovert feels by the end of the day.

If you asked me today which one I was, I'd say I'm an ambivert: a mix of both! There are days when I look forward to talking with absolutely everyone with no fear while still valuing my alone time. But as someone who's experienced both sides on the extreme, I can definitely say that there are pros to both preferences of social energies and it's not that one is better than the other :)

*shoutout to rhythm07 for helping with the code!*


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Download 22 MB

Install instructions

Arrow Keys or WASD to move

Keyboard buttons for other

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